Issue: item was copied in MMS001.

The item was also created for warehouse 720 and in facility G65, while they’re not using it.


Example:     RM95346

Exists in warehouse 720 and in MMS003 facility G65



M3 may block you from deletion if a planned order exist.

Planned transactions are shown in MRP - MMS080.


It shows a system planned PO. MMS080 shows safety stock = 70 (came with the copy).


In this example, order quantity is set = 105 => same quantity used for the system planned order.

Go to MMS002/F, set safety stock = 0 and go out of the record.

In MMS080, the system planned order still shows the system planned order => go to Actions + F18 Calculate MRP…

And the system planned order has disappeared.

M3 now allows deletion in MMS002. After doing so, it will also be deleted automatically from MMS003, unless the item also exists in another warehouse from this facility.