MMS002/PPS044 - How to update supply lead time for purchased items

1. Using MMS002 to update supply lead time


 The supplier lead time can be set manually in the Item/Warehouse MMS002.



  1. MMS002 - setting supply lead time for an item/warehouse.


In MMS002, select the item and the warehouse and use the option “Change”.

In the E panel, enter the lead time in the “Supply lead tm” field and click Next to save.

2. Using PPS044 to set supply lead the for an item/supplier/warehouse combination


The supply lead time can be set for the combination of an item/supplier/warehouse in PPS044. That will allow different warehouses share the same combination item/supplier with different supply lead times. 


The PPS044 is reached from the related options in PPS040.

  1. PPS044 - setting supply lead time for an item/supplier/warehouse.



In PPS044, enter the warehouse number and click Create.

In the panel E, enter the lead time in the “Supply lead tm” field and click Next to save.
