Voucher not being created in OIS180 M3 invoicing process - How to proceed



In OIS350, sometimes the voucher number field is blank due to some interruption in the invoicing process when running OIS180.


After IT has fixed the issue that causes the process interruption, a post-process needs to be executed to complete the process. So, open OIS196 and tick “Upd acct entry” and “Upd Gen Ledger” options. Enter the period range that covers the dates when the interrupted invoicing process occurred; tick the “Update FIM” option and enter a text for the voucher. Click NEXT. 


If happens the accounting period is already closed, an error message will appear. Click OK and work with Finance to open the past periods.


Finance should open GLS990 and ACTIONS/select all.


Finance should enter a period range that covers the dates when the interrupted invoicing process occurred and click NEXT.


Once the period is open, run OIS196 as before.


A message showing the job has been submitted should pop up. Click OK and close the program.


In OIS980, find the interrupted jobs. The entry date and user columns can be used to find out the correct jobs.

Right-click in the line in OIS980 and select Related / Run CTRL+9.


A message showing the job has been submitted should pop up. Click OK.


In OIS980, select the option Refresh or press F5 to refresh the panel. The processed line should be gone.


Repeat these steps for all the lines:




All processed lines from the division should be gone.


In OIS350, refresh the panel. The voucher numbers should be shown for the invoices previously interrupted.


Check all the accounts entries in the General Ledger. Reverse any manual previous entry that was done as a work around to complete the process.

Finance should close all open periods accordingly and let open only the current period.


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