The Monthly Batch Rejection Report’s purpose is to track the condition of each lot in KANA. The lot will only has “Pass” condition if and only if all tests in the lot have passed. In other words, if a test in the lot failed, then the lot condition will be marked as “Fail”. The top table shows a summary of the condition of each lot. The bottom table provides more detailed information what tests have failed in lot marked as failed. If the user selects a failed line on the top table, the user will be able to see which specific tests this lot has failed. This report also includes three grey cards that display information such as total number of lots, percentage of failed lots, and failed lots last month.
An important note about this report is that the tables and the cards use different set if slicers. The two tables will only be affected by the slicers with the green background on the left side of the report, and the three cards will only be affected by the date slicer with the grey background on the upper right corner.
The data is refreshed once daily at 5:30 am Central Time.
The report is connected to BPW_Datamarts and connected to six tables: V_LV_Batch, V_LV_Product, V_LV_SampleTest, V_LV_SpecDetails, V_LV_SampleTestResult, and V_LV_Sample. A table titled “conditionbyLot” is manually created in Power BI to create the cards.