Users should NOT re-assign approvers mid-workflow

because once the approvers are assigned, the approval request is NOT connected to the workflow, nor to the SharePoint item anymore.

Once the approval request is created you have 3 separate items

  1. The SharePoint Item, 
  2. the workflows (one for the approvers group and one for the final approver) 
  3. and the approval requests themselves 

Therefore the possibility to modify approvers in the Nintex form (mid-workflow) is turned off!

How and when to re-assign (using the Nintex form):

  1. The approval process does check if one of the users in the approvers group is OoO
    1. the requestor can then reject the start of the approval process
    2. the approvers group can be modified to remove the OoO user
    3. re-submit.

  2. When all approvers have responded and at least one of them has rejected,
    1. then the same SharePoint Item can edited
    2. assign different approvers = re-assign
    3. and re-submit.

Recently it is possible to re-assign the approval request using TEAMS Approval.

  1. The original list of approvers will NOT be updated in the Nintex Form (SharePoint).
  2. The response of the reassigned person will correctly be registered into the version history!


IT information:

  1. Request submitted with 4 approvers ==> 1 Approval record and 4 Approval Request records created in Dataverse

  2. Request record for Zancia Swart re-assigned to Alex Wu (via TEAMS)

  3. The Approval Request record for Zancia changed (by TEAMS) in Dataverse
    1. Status: Inactive 
    2. Status Reason: Reassigned

  4. A 5th Approval Request record created (by TEAMS) for Alex Wu, 

  5. If a request is in the "Active" status for more than 14 days and no response has been registered yet, 
    then the global reminder workflow will mail out a reminder, with direct links to the approve and reject pages.

  6. The global reminder workflow has been updated to not check response for Approval Request records in Status "Inactive".