We will occasionally receive requests to add additional fonts to Prisym. Her are the steps to take to install new fonts. 

  1. Check the server to see if it is already available in Windows fonts. 

  1. Log into the server and see if the font is already available in Windows. 

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated 

  1. If the font is not available here, you should be able to find a free version online. Find a free version and download it to the server. 

  1. If the font is available in Windows, make a copy of it and place the copy at the root of C: 

  1. When in Prisym you cannot upload the files from that location. 

  1. In both cases, keep track of where the font file is stored. 

  1. We will now upload the font files to Prisym. 

  1. The fonts folder is in the Global Settings directory. 

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated 

  1. Click the Upload button. 

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence 

  1. In the Upload window, select Add more files. 

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence 

  1. Clicking this button will open an Explorer window so you can browse to your file. In the screenshot below you can see font files saved on C: A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated 

  1. Select the font you would like to load and click Start uploading. 

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated 

  1. The font is now in the system and should be available in system fonts in the design tool.