ISSUE: PO Comments not intended for Warehouse/Internal get printed in PPS307PF after receiving 

SOLUTION: Users need to select the correct Internal/External option and put the PO texts/comments in the correct places or sections in the M3 PO.

Based on the example done in SND with PO 1520626:

A. TYPE OF TEXT/COMMENT - recipient can be Internal only, External only, or both. It is advisable to use Text Block numbering and Text Block Name to identify/differentiate comments.  

    1. Int - only for internal recipients


    2. Ext - only for external recipients

    3. Int/Ext - for both internal and external recipients



      1.   PO HEADER TEXTS/COMMENTS - only Ext and IntExt texts get printed on PPS601PF PO output document
             A. PRE TEXT - this is printed on PPS601PF PO output document before the PO lines 
             B. POST TEXT - this is printed on PPS601PF PO output document after the PO lines 



      For every PO line, text/comment can be added 


              a.  PPS601PF PO output document - only Ext or and IntExt texts get printed


              b.  PPS307PF Receiver PO document - only Int and IntExt texts get printed