Example of issue for costing element FRT3RD

PPS282: Costing mark up is specified for purchased item 200125-21-E1 in facility A03.

PCS300: Total calculated cost = 161,85 per 100 KG.

Select line in PCS300  and select Ctrl+11 costing model to open PPS295 - Detail per costing model:

Cost for FRT3RD was not included.

Costing element FRT3RD works with operator 07 => cost per gross weight.

Calculation of gross weight is based on set up in MMS001/F. In this case, no gross weight has been specified.

Therefore, gross weight is entered, in this case cost per 100 KG = 6€, cost for 100KG gross weight = 6,078 €.

With correct set up of gross weight in MMS001/F, this cost is included in total cost accordingly.