This describes the steps to add a new user or edit a new user in LabVantage.

Target Audience

LabVatange Administrators

LabVantage Applications Team

User Account setup is broken up in 4 parts.

  1. User Account
  2. SDC Access - separate article
  3. Module Access - separate article
  4. Roles - set here but has separate article

Accessing User Accounts

1.  After logging into LabVantage, access the System Admin Menu from the hamburger icon.


2. Select the Users option on the tram line


Add New User

1.  In the User application, select the Add button


     NOTE:  In LabVantage, any field in yellow is required before you have it.

2.  In the User field, it says '(Auto)'.  The system will auto-assign a new user ID to the account in the format of U-000000 when the Save button is selected.

3.  In the User Type dropdown, select the appropriate user license to be used.

     For someone in the lab, they are most likely going to use a Full Concurrent User license.  It can be changed later if the user needs to use another type of license.


3.   In the Full Name field, you add the full name of the person on the account.

4.  In the Logon Name field, add the user's Kemin login name like jsmith or sjohnson.

5.  In the Password fields, add a password for the user.  This is an internal LabVantage password.


      a. Needs a least one uppercase letter

      b. At least one number

      c. At least one symbol

      NOTE:  The user will not be using this security but is required to set up the user account.


6.  Password Expiry Date and Force Password Change are not set.

7.  Locale and Timezone - This sets the account for Internationalization and Localization.  Select from the dropdowns the appropriate option.


8.  Language - What language does the user need?

     The system can support many languages.  Through a translation table in the system, the system will translate most, if not all, into the user's language.


9.  Base Department - What lab is the user associated with?

     a.  You can start typing in the field and it will show you options that meet what you are typing.


     b.  Use the lookup icon to bring up a menu to search and select the department.


10.  Default Job Type - For most users, they are either going to be an Analyst or Lab Manager.

11.  Security Type - This will determine what access the user has to applications, menus, etc.  For CLS, the User option as selected.  This provide more flexibility per user about their access and what they see.

12.  Authentication Type - This is set to External.  The system will use the Kemin authentication system.

13.  MFA Provider - Currently, it's being set to Disable MFA.  If policies change, then this can be changes also to meet policy requirements.

14.  Email - Kemin email

15.  Phone - Not always know or filled in.  If known, it can be filled in.

16.  Initials - A two or three letter initials.  It's used in the circle icon in the upper right corner for the person currently logged in.


17.  Kemin Job Description - Mainly for CLS and using it on a final report where a signature needs to show.  But, it can be used elsewhere as needed.

What the user account setup should look like when done.

18.  Select the Save button to save all the changes.

Once saved, this will show another section below what was just filled in with several tabs on it.

Edit User Properties

1.  On the User Roles tab, mark all the roles the user can have.

     a.  Managers should only get manager or supervisor roles

     b.  Not all labs will have the same options marked for the same position.

     An analyst, in general, should have these roles marked                      A manager, in general, should have these roles marked.


2.  User Job Types - you will mark with Analyst or Lab Manager


3.  User Profile

     a.  The Desktop menus need to be set up.  This determines what the user sees when they first log into the system.


     b.  Logon URL - using the ellipsis button, use the lookup to set the page.  Type 'tram' into the dropdown to get to the Tramline Sitemap option.  Select this option.


     c.  Start Menu - using the ellipsis button, bring up the lookup window.  Expand the list.  Select the LIMS Menu.


     d.  Start Taskbar - using the ellipsis button, bring up the lookup window.  Expand the list.  Select the Analyst Group.


     When you are done, it should look like this.


4. User Departments

    a.  These are the departments that the user has access to.

    b.  Initial, the user should only get access to their department/lab

    c.  For CLS, request customers will need to be added to this list.  That will be a separate solution article.

    d. This first department should match the base department set above.

   e.  This will be the users default testing lab.


5. Attachments

    a.  If any documents about the user needs to be saved, they can be added here.

    b.  If the user needs a signature image for reports, then this can be saved here.  Set the file type to signature.


Select the Save button to save all the changes.

Select Return to go back to the user list.