
When a news is posted, users who are members or visitors of the site will receive a notification in Teams (part of Viva Connections). 

It seems that users will receive this notification even when they are not following the site.

Possible workaround:

If the news is to be announced via email or some other channel, you can set a schedule for the news to be posted at a later time.


1. Go to the SharePoint site > Click on Site contents > Site Pages

Click on Scheduling

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Enable scheduling

2. Create a News or open one that is not published yet.

Click Page details

Turn Scheduling On

Enter date and time to publish the news.

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Click Schedule when done

You can only Schedule if you set the publish time to a later time.


3.  View Site Pages

You will see a schedule icon beside the file. You can also show the Publish Start Date column.

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When the scheduled time is up, the news page will be published.

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Members of the site will be able to see the news before it’s published.

Visitors can only see the news page after it’s published.