At times, queries are needed to get some specific information that normal applications don't get.
These can be simple queries to quick retrieve some information.
Target Audience
LabVantage Users
LabVantage Administrators
Accessing Query and Layout
1. Access the Adhoc Query option on the Reports tram line on the LIMS menu
2. The application is divided into four sections
a. Upper Left
i. Fields that can be dragged to the filter or output areas
ii. Some sections need to be expanded to see all the fields available.
b. Upper Middle
i. Fields used to filter the data
ii. Drag fields from the field section over to this area
iii. Set or input filter criteria of the query
iv. Use the New Criteria Group button to add a separate set of query fields.
v. Switch how the criteria groups are used for the query
c. Upper Right
i. Drag fields into this area for the query output.
ii. Arrange the fields in the order you would like to see them.
iii. Set the max number of records to return
iv. Click on the black triangle to set to ordering of the field (increasing or decreasing).
d. Lower Half - Query Output
Running a query
1. Use the Count Results button first
a. This will let you know how many records will be returned
b. The query may need to be adjusted if too many records will be returned.
c. It's much faster to count records than to return the record information
2. If the count looks good, select Search Now button
a. The output will in the lower half
b. There is a dropdown of the output fields to group by
Output Query Results
1. Select from three options
a. Export to Excel
b. Export to PDF
c. Search and Export All
The output will be downloaded to the users Download folder. For an Excel output, the file will open like this.
Saving Queries
For the same queries that are done frequently, you can save the query to use next time.
1. Select the Save Query button
2. Give the query a name
3. Save Now
4. The saved query will be available next time in the dropdown.
5. The search criteria and output fields are set.
6. While a saved search is selected, you can select the Delete Query to removed the saved search.
a. Select the Delete Query button
b. Confirm the delete