When receiving goods in PPS300 to POs migrated from On-Prem, we need to use the original lot number from the supplying BU. 

However, we are getting an alert/error message that says "The lot is connected to another reference" and M3 does not allow to procced to the next step. 


The lot created in On-Prem had 1-Manufact order as Ref order category and we are no longer able to change to 2-Purchase order because Report Receipt has been done to the MO by the supplying BU.


1. Receive the PO with the proposed lot number in PPS300.

2. Once units reflect in MWS068, select stock/lot line and click Balance ID-Reclassify (MMS130)


3. Select Calc method 0-New item/New lot and click Next


4. Type in New Lot No, New Qty and Trans reason T03-Lot number and click Next.


5. Click F3 or Actions -> Close

6. Check in MWS068 that correct units and new/updated lot number are reflecting.

NOTE: This process should only be applied to receiving of migrated POs that result to an alert/error message that says "The lot is connected to another reference".

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