
Help files associated with the M3 13.4 upgrade - 6/24/2019

Not permitted to create alternate U/M
Issue : Unable to create alternate unit of measure on MMS015 Resolution: On MMS001 Panel E, change the Alt U/M in use option to 2. This will allo...
Tue, 2 Jan, 2024 1:31 AM
How to default price list tab for Affiliate customer on specified division only?
Solution for above issue: Open the CRS610 program, select targeted affiliate customer. Right click and access Local Exception MFS610. Sel...
Mon, 30 Jan, 2023 3:31 AM
How to easily switch between M3 programs
If you have multiple programs open similar to below screen shot, you can select each program with your mouse.   It’s also possible to go through open p...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 5:02 AM
Change debit / credit sign in GLS215
It may be so that GLS215 shows debit (D) or credit sign (C), which makes it more difficult to calculate when you copy/paste values into excel. GLS...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 5:15 AM
How to update final destination address in PO
If warehouse final destination address is created in CRS235, this address will be default for new PO’s in PPS200/G.   If this address is changed, it ...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 5:54 AM
Price and Discounting setting on OIS010 CO type Open
Sales price control is an essential feature of any sales process that enables business units to manage their pricing strategies effectively.  One importan...
Sun, 26 Feb, 2023 9:59 PM
Bank Fee not appearing in ARS110
Issue: User reported bank charges not appearing in one division, but it is working fine in other divisions.  Solution:  Setup the bank ch...
Tue, 28 Feb, 2023 12:58 AM
Manual Purchase Claim's Requisition Order not created automatically in MMS100
Issue: When user is creating PO claim manually and requisition order(MMS100) is not created automatically, user could not proceed with PO claim process. ...
Tue, 28 Feb, 2023 12:58 AM
How to use OIS350 to find link between CO- and invoice number
If you have the CO number, select sorting order 3-CO no and enter the order number and the invoice no shows, possibly multiple invoices per CO in case ...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 7:49 AM
ATCUD configuration for HPO
Open MFPT01   Here we need to configure the series number 1 Push create button And insert name, starting series number which is 1 and the ATUCD ...
Tue, 28 Feb, 2023 12:22 PM